About the Evacuation Zones Map

Know Your Zone, Know Your Home

The information contained on this page is intended for general reference. For official guidance, please visit https://www.floridadisaster.org/ or consult your county emergency management website.

What is the Evacuation Zones Map?

The Evacuation Zones Map displays evacuation zones from FDEM's Know your Zone, Know your Home map. The areas and buildings depicted in these zones are most likely to be evacuated. Knowing these zones helps Floridians prepare to evacuate and better understand orders from local officials.

How will I know if I'm ordered to evacuate?

Monitor local news and pay attention to alerts from authorities. During a disaster, evacuation orders will be issued for those in specific locations and/or evacuation zones. If you are in an evacuation zone, listen to evacuation orders from local officials. Evacuation zones are designated from A to F. Generally, Zone A is most vulnerable and most likely to be evacuated first, and Zone F is most likely to be evacuated last. Take the time now to find out which zone you are in and remember to pay attention to local authorities during a storm to find out if an evacuation is ordered. Know your zone today by visiting https://floridadisaster.org/knowyourzone.

If you are in an ordered evacuation zone, low-lying flood area or in a mobile home: you should follow evacuation orders. However if you are not in an ordered evacuation zone, low-lying flood-prone area, mobile home or unsafe structure, then it may be safer to stay in your home. Always heed the advice and orders of local officials during a storm.

If an evacuation order is not issued for your area: you may consider sheltering in place. Not all evacuation zones are always ordered. If you shelter in place, it's important you Know Your Home and its ability to withstand strong winds and heavy rain.

How do I view the Evacuation Zones Map?

From the Forerunner FDEM home page, click "Explore Map." Once in the map viewer, the Evacuation Zones Map layer is available by clicking the Map Layers button in the bottom right hand corner of the map. The layer can be found under the "FDEM Layers" subheading. Click the toggle to the right of the layer name to turn the layer on or off. For optimal viewing, it is recommended that you turn off the Preliminary or Effective FIRM Flood Layers (under the "Flood Layers" subheading in the Map Layers panel).

Note: Please pay careful attention when viewing flood map layers. The Evacuation Zones Map and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) both contain zones with the same name (ex: Zone A), but the zones have different meanings relative to their respective map.

Additional Resources

Know Your Zone, Know Your Home

Evacuation Considerations

Shelter Information Index

Disaster Supply Checklist

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